Is it safe using

Ryo Lance運営者

Hi there, this is Ryo.

Today, I’m going to talk about how safe it is using

Through this article you would feel like using in the future.

Let’s go.


Using for 3 years almost

I’ve been using coins. ph for almost 3 years now ever since I found it when I was still working in the Philippines (btw I’m in Japan now.)

And I even invested some little amount of money I had, but I didn’t have any problem transferring money or no experience not to receive money I deposited.

I think you can pretty much trust this application so far.

I can also feel that the functions that they give have been improving gradually so that I get to use it easier than before.



Things I tried

Those are the things I tried through coins. ph.

  • sending money from Japan account to Philippines one
  • investing money and making it grow
  • sending salary to my staff
  • buying loads


So far, is really helping me a lot especially in terms of charges. When it comes to sending money to Philippines via local bank to bank, it costs a lot, but by using it’s just cost nothing to send from the wallet.

Of course when sending money from Japanese account to the one, it cost a little but it’s not a big deal to me.

It’s like I can’t live without this application now.

I think this is really useful if you have some businesses in a way of getting a help from Filipino (outsourcing) just like me.

I know that they offer a lot of services like paying the bills, but I haven’t tried them yet.

Maybe in the future I might try.



Troublesomeness I felt

Things that I felt troublesome is that sometimes when sending money, I can’t use some banks because of their problems in system.

Also, the charge which only BDO (P200) annoys me, knowing the almost all the banks offer free transfer.

I hope they also offer the same but I understand there might be some regulation which they can’t do so.




Thank you for reading all.

That is pretty much it.

Hope you enjoyed reading.

See you around!

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